Ch Prel B - Children Preliminary Competition B

 Lara Carreira
Data de Nascimento: 14/02/2011 (14) Federação Equestre Portuguesa FEP
 529 - Inca
Data de Nascimento: 01/05/2013 (11) Género: Garanhão Criador: Gardel Fernandes Silva Cod. Stud Book: LUSIT Nome do Proprietário: Caracol Vedeta - Act. Equestres Unip
E 80.500%
C 66.071%
Total: 73.286%
C 6.5
Working trot
C 6.5
Half-Volte x2.0
C 6.5
Half-Volte x2.0
C 6.5
Lengthened Trot
C 6.5
Trot Transitions
C 7.0
Medium Walk
C 7.0
Working trot
C 7.0
Working Canter
C 7.0
Half-Circle x2.0
C 7.0
C 7.5
Counter Canter x2.0
C 7.0
Medium Walk
C 5.0
Canter Transition
C 7.0
Lengthened Canter
C 7.0
Canter Transitions
C 7.0
Collected Canter
C 7.0
Counter Canter x2.0
C 7.0
Walk Transitions
C 5.0
Medium Walk
C 5.0
Circle x2.0
C 6.0
C 7.0
Leave x0.00000
C --
1 - Rider's position and seat
E 8.2
2 - Effectiveness of aids
E 7.8
3 - Precision
E 8.0
4 - General impression
E 8.2


E Portugal Claudia Matos
Juiz Qualitativa
E Germany Pascal Strohbücker
Membro de Juri
C Spain Mariano Santos
Juiz Técnica