CDN Cascais

CDN Cascais

Sáb, 25 Jan 2020 00:02 | Dom, 26 Jan 2020 20:02

Prova Fei Childrens

C 63.577%
Total: 63.577%
Enter in working trot
C 6.5
Working trot
C 6.5
Track to the right
C 6.5
Change rein
C 6.5
Working trot
C 6.5
Serpentine four loops x2.0
C 6.0
Working canter
C 6.0
Circle (15 m Ø) x2.0
C 6.0
On the diagonal
C 6.5
Working canter
C 6.0
Working canter
C 6.5
Circle (15 m Ø) x2.0
C 6.5
Working trot
C 6.0
Medium walk
C 6.5
Half circle
C 7.0
Working trot
C 6.5
Halt – immobility – salute
C 7.0
Leave arena at A in walk on a long rein x0.00000
C --
Collective mark
Rider’s position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids x2.0
C 6.5
Children Quality Marking Sheet
Rider's position and seat.
C 6.0
Effectiveness of aids.
C 6.3
C 6.2
General impression
C 6.3


C Portugal Camilo Borges (N3)
C Portugal Armindo Caixinha (N3) N
Membro de Juri
C Portugal Frederico Pinteus (L3)
Membro de Juri