CDN - Cascais 11 e 12 Setembro

CDN - Cascais 11 e 12 Setembro

Za, 11 Set 2021 09:00 | Zo, 12 Set 2021 20:00

Prova Young Riders Individual Klaar

Altura: YR Ind
Aquecimento: PIsta de Aquecimento
Local: Pista de Prova
Exame: Individual competition test Young Riders
Data: 2021-09-12
Hora: 14:00


Posição Nome
H André Santos
C Camilo Borges
B Michelle Rosa Santos

Folha de Prova

Quality of paces, halt, and transitions. Straightness. Contact and poll.
AX - Enter in collected canter
X - Halt - immobility - salute. Proceed in collected trot.
XC - Collected Trot
Shoulder-In Trot
Regularity and quality of trot; bend and constant angle. Collection, balance, and fluency.
C - Track to the left
HE - Shoulder-in left
E - Turn left
Shoulder-In Trot
Regularity and quality of trot; bend and constant angle. Collection, balance, and fluency.
B - Turn right
BF - Shoulder-in right
Half-Pass Trot
Regularity and quality of trot, uniform bend, collection, balance, fluency, crossing of legs.
A - Down the centre line
DB - Half pass to the right
Regularity and quality of trot, collection, and balance. Bend; size and shape of volte.
B - Volte left (8 m Ø)
Medium Trot
Regularity, elasticity, balance, engagement of hindquarters, lengthening of steps and frame. Both transitions. Collection.
BH - Medium trot
H - Collected trot
HC - Collected trot
Quality of halt and transitions. Throughness, fluency, straightness. Accuracy in number of diagonal steps.
C - Halt - immobility Rein back 5 steps and immediately proceed in collected trot
Extended Trot
Regularity, elasticity, balance, energy of hindquarters, overtrack. Lengthening of frame. Differentiation from medium trot.
MXK - Extended trot
K - Collected trot
Trot Transitions
Maintenance of rhythm, fluency, precise and smooth execution of transitions. Change of frame. Collection.
1 - Transitions at M and K
KA - The collected trot
Half-Pass Trot
Regularity and quality of trot, uniform bend, collection, balance, fluency, crossing of legs.
A - Down the centre line
DE - Half pass to the left
Regularity and quality of trot, collection, and balance. Bend; size and shape of volte.
E - Volte right (8 m Ø)
Medium Trot
Regularity, elasticity, balance, engagement of hindquarters, lengthening of steps and frame. Both transitions. Collection.
EM - Medium trot
M - Collected trot
MC - Collected trot
Medium Walk
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, moderate lengthening of steps and frame, freedom of shoulder. Transition into walk.
C - Medium walk
CH - Medium walk
Extended Walk
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, overtrack, freedom of shoulder, stretching to the bit.
HB - Extended walk
Collected Walk
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, shortening and heightening of steps, self-carriage.
B - Collected walk
BPL - Collected walk
Canter Transitions
Precise execution and fluency of transition. Quality of canter.
L - Proceed in collected canter left
LVKA - Collected canter
Quality of canter. Collection, balance, uniform bend, fluency. Quality of flying change.
A - Down the centre line
DE - Half pass to the left
E - Flying change of leg
Half-Pass Canter
Quality of canter. Collection, balance, uniform bend, fluency.
EG - Half pass to the right
G - On centre line
C - Track to the right
Flying Change
Correctness, balance, fluency, uphill tendency, straightness. Quality of canter before and after.
MXK - On the diagonal 5 flying changes of leg every 4th stride
KAF - Collected canter
Canter Half-Pirouette
Collection, self-carriage, balance, size, flexion, and bend. Correct number of strides (3-4). Quality of canter before and after.
FX - Collected canter
X - Half pirouette to the left
XF - Collected canter
Flying Change
Quality and collection of counter canter. Correctness, balance, fluency, uphill tendency, straightness of change.
FA - Counter canter
A - Flying change of leg
Collection, self-carriage, balance, size, flexion, and bend. Correct number of strides (3-4). Quality of canter before and after.
KX - Collected canter
X - Half pirouette to the right
XK - Collected canter
Flying Change
Quality and collection of counter canter. Correctness, balance, fluency, uphill tendency, straightness of change.
KA - Counter canter
A - Flying change of leg
Flying Change
Correctness, balance, fluency, uphill tendency, straightness. Quality of canter before and after.
FXH - On the diagonal 5 flying changes of leg every 3rd stride
HCM - Collected canter
Extended Canter
Quality of canter, impulsion, lengthening of strides and frame. Balance, uphill tendency, straightness.
MXK - Extended canter
Flying Change
Quality of flying change on diagonal. Precise, smooth execution of transition. Collection.
K - Collected canter and flying change of leg
KA - Collected canter
Quality of pace, halt, and transition. Straightness. Contact and poll.
A - Down the centre line
X - Halt - immobility - salute
Collective Marks
General Impression
1 - General Impression (harmonious presentation of the rider/horse combination; rider’s position and seat, discreet and effective influence of the aids)
Points Two (2) points to be deducted per error. Please see Art 430.6.2
Percentage Errors of course (Art 430.6.1) are penalised - 1st error = 2 percentage points - 2nd error = Elimination

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