CDI3* Cascais - 25 a 27 Fev

CDI3* Cascais - 25 a 27 Fev

Sab, 26 Feb 2022 10:00 | Dom, 27 Feb 2022 20:00

Ch Team - Children Team Competition

Data di Nascita: 15/02/2010 (15) Portugal PT
 18 - GENTIL
Nascita: 27/02/2011 (14) Genere: Macho Dio: Dr. José Fontes Codice libro borchie: LUSIT Nome de! proprietario/armatore:: Sara Filipa MENDES
E 76.500%
H 63.400%
C 59.000%
B 63.600%
Total: 69.250%
1 - Halt
H 7.0
C 7.0
B 6.0
2 - Working Trot
H 7.0
C 6.5
B 6.5
3 - Medium Trot
H 6.5
C 6.0
B 6.0
4 - Trot Transitions
H 7.0
C 6.0
B 6.5
5 - Leg-yielding Trot x2.0
H 6.0
C 6.0
B 7.0
6 - Half-Circle x2.0
H 5.0
C 6.0
B 6.5
7 - Leg-yielding x2.0
H 7.0
C 6.0
B 6.5
8 - Half-Circle
H 7.0
C 6.0
B 6.5
9 - Walk Turn on Haunches x2.0
H 5.0
C 4.0
B 5.0
10 - Medium Walk
H 7.0
C 6.0
B 7.0
11 - Canter Transitions
H 6.5
C 6.5
B 7.0
12 - Medium Canter
H 6.5
C 6.0
B 6.5
13 - Canter Transitions
H 6.5
C 6.5
B 6.5
14 - Zig-Zag
H 7.0
C 7.0
B 7.0
15 - Simple Change x2.0
H 6.0
C 5.0
B 6.0
16 - Zig-Zag
H 7.0
C 6.5
B 7.0
17 - Simple Change x2.0
H 6.0
C 5.5
B 5.5
18 - Trot Transitions
H 7.0
C 6.5
B 7.0
19 - Halt
H 6.5
C 6.0
B 6.5
1 - Rider's position and seat
E 7.5
2 - Effectiveness of aids
E 7.5
3 - Precision
E 7.8
4 - General impression
E 7.8


E Denmark Leif TORNBLAD
Juiz Qualitativa
E Portugal Frederico PINTEUS
Membro de Juri
H Belgium Freddy LEYMAN
Juiz Técnica
C Portugal Claudia MATOS
Juiz Técnica
B United Kingdom Isobel WESSELS
Juiz Técnica