CDE e CDR - Golegã - 11 a 12 Março

CDE e CDR - Golegã - 11 a 12 Março

Sáb, 11 Mar 2023 08:00 | Dom, 12 Mar 2023 20:00

Childrean Preliminar B Listo

Altura: CH PB
Aquecimento: Pista Intacol
Local: Pista CMG
Exame: Preliminary Competition Test B Children
Data: 2023-03-12
Hora: 10:16


Posição Nome
C Armindo Caixinha
E Bruno Caseirão
E João Oliveira Duarte

Folha de Prova

1 Halt
Correctness of trot and transition. Precision of centre line and halt. Preparation of halt. Immobility, straightness. Contact and poll.
A - Enter in working trot
X - Halt - immobility - salute
2 Working trot
Promptness of depart, quality of trot. Straightness. Contact and poll.
X - Proceed in working trot
XC - Working Trot
3 Half-Volte
Regularity, balance, energy, bend. Fluency of the change of bend and direction. Straightness on centre line. Precision and symmetrical design of ½ voltes.
C - Track to the left
HS - Working trot
SI - Half volte left (10 m Ø)
IR - Half volte right (10 m Ø)
RBP - Working trot
4 Half-Volte
Regularity, balance, energy, bend. Fluency of the change of bend and direction. Straightness on centre line. Precision and symmetrical design of ½ voltes.
PL - Half volte right (10 m Ø)
LV - Half volte left (10 m Ø)
VKAF - Working trot
5 Lengthened Trot
Regularity, balance, engagement, groundcover. Lengthening of frame. Straightness.
FH - Lengthening of steps
H - Working trot
6 Trot Transitions
Fluency and balance of both transitions.
1 - Transitions at F and H
HC - Working trot
7 Medium Walk
Regularity, suppleness of walk, activity, moderate groundcover, slight lengthening of frame. Precision of transition, correct contact.
C - Medium Walk
CMSE - Medium Walk
8 Working trot
Straightness. Fluency and balance of transition. Quality of trot.
E - Proceed in working trot
EVK - Working trot
9 Working Canter
Fluency and balance of transition. Quality of canter.
K - Proceed in working canter
KAF - Working canter
10 Half-Circle
Quality of canter. Clear break of contact, loop of rein visible. Maintenance of balance, self-carriage. Bend. Size and shape of circle. Transition to collection.
FP - Collected canter
PV - Half circle (20 m of diameter)
3 - Between P&V give and retake the reins for 3 canter strides
VK - Collected canter
11 Half-Volte
Quality of canter, balance, self-carriage. Bend. Size and shape of half volte.
KD - Half volte (10m of diameter) returning to the track at E
12 Counter Canter
Quality of counter canter. Maintenance of balance, self-carriage. Straightness.
EHC - Counter Canter
13 Medium Walk
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, groundcover, freedom in shoulders. Straightness. Transition into medium walk.
CM - Medium Walk
14 Canter Transition
Fluency and balance of transition. Quality of canter.
M - Proceed in collected canter
MR - Collected canter
15 Lengthened Canter
Quality of canter, lengthening of strides and frame. Balance, uphill tendency, straightness.
RBF - Lengthening of strides
F - Collected canter
16 Canter Transitions
Fluency, balance, straightness of both transitions. Quality of canter.
1 - Transitions at R and F
HC - Collected Canter
17 Collected Canter
Quality of canter. Balance, self-carriage. Straightness. Precision of line.
KLB - Collected Canter
18 Counter Canter
Quality of counter canter. Maintenance of balance, self-carriage. Straightness.
BRMC - Counter Canter
19 Walk Transitions
Transition into medium walk. Suppleness of back, willingness to take weight, correct contact.
C - Transition to medium walk
20 Medium Walk
Regularity, suppleness of walk, activity, moderate groundcover, slight lengthening of frame. Correct contact.
CHRB - Medium walk
21 Circle
Maintenance of rhythm and balance. Gradually stretching forward downward of neck. Retaking of reins without resistance. Size and shape of circle.
B - Proceed in working trot
PVP - Working trot (rising trot)
3 - Circle (20m diameter)
VP - Let the horse stretch on a long rein
PF - Sitting trot and retake the reins
FA - Working trot
22 Halt
Correctness of trot and transition. Precision of centre line and halt. Preparation of halt. Immobility, straightness. Contact and poll.
A - Down the centre line
X - Halt - immobility - salute
1 Rider's position and seat
1 - Seat: well balanced, elastic, in centre of saddle, absorbing movements of horse. Correct position of upper body, arm, elbow, hand, leg, heel
2 Effectiveness of aids
1 - Influence of the aids on presentation of horse accord. to 'Scale of Training'. Influence of aids on correct presentation of movements/ paces. Sensitive use of aids. Independence of rider's seat
3 Precision
1 - Preparation of movements. Accuracy of execution of figures. Execution of movements at markers prescribed. Maintenance of correct tempo
4 General impression
1 - Harmony of presentation. Correctness of paces. Ability to present the horse favourably
Percentage Errors of course (Art 430.6.1) are penalised - 1st error = 0.5 percentage point - 2nd error = 1 percentage point - 3rd error = Elimination. Other Penalties – Technical faults: 0.5% (percentage points) to be deducted per fault. Please see Art 430.6.2

Todos los valores presentados incluyen IVA al tipo legal vigente.