Campeonato de Dressage Open

Campeonato de Dressage Open

Ven, 17 Nov 2023 08:00 | Dom, 19 Nov 2023 23:59

Para Dressage Grau 3 Grand Prix A Fatto

Altura: G3 GPA
Aquecimento: Pista de Aquecimento - Cavalor
Local: Pista de Prova - C. M. Arruda dos Vinhos
Exame: Para Grand Prix Test A - Grade III
Data: 2023-11-18
Hora: 17:40


Posição Nome
C Miguel Gonçalves (N3)
E Michelle Santos (N2)
M João Oliveira Duarte (N3)

Folha de Prova

Bend through turn at C.
A - Enter in working trot
X - Halt-immobility Øsalute
3 - Proceed in working trot
C - Track right
Regularity, straightness on diagonals, bend, size and shape of volte.
CM - Working trot
MX - On the diagonal
X - Volte left (10m Ø)
XF - On the diagonal
FAK - Working trot
Regularity and quality of trot, elasticity,engagement of hindquarters.
KXM - Medium trot
M - Working trot
Lenghtening and shortening of the steps and frame, maintenance of rhythm, quality of trot.
K and M - Transitions at K and M
MC - Working trot
Regularity and quality of trot. Straightness. Balance.
After C - Turn down on the quarter line
Regularity, quality of trot, flexion at the poll, upright balance, forward sideways tendency, fluency.
From between E and X to K - Leg yield right
KA - Working trot
Smooth transition into halt, immobility, squareness, poll and contact.
A - Halt
Smooth transition from halt backwards. Throughness, fluency, straightness, Accuracy in number of diagonal steps, prompt transition to medium walk.
A - Rein back, 2-4 steps,
2 - Proceed immediately in medium walk
Regularity, activity, suppleness, stretch to the bit, overtrack.
AFB(M) - Medium walk
Regularity, activity, preparation, flexion and bend and size of turn. Forward tendency, maintenance of four beat.
Between B and M - Turn on the haunches left.
(M) B - Medium walk
Regularity, maintenance of rhythm and activity, relaxation, stretching forward downward of neck, lengthening of steps and frame without giving up contact.
BE - Half circle right (20m Ø) letting the horse stretch on a longer rein.
E - Medium walk
Gradual stretching forward downward to the bit, lengthening and shortening of steps and frame, maintenance of four beat, retaking reins without resistance.
B and E - Transitions at B and E
E(H) - Medium walk
Regularity, activity, preparation, flexion and bend and size of turn. Forward tendency, maintenance of four beat.
Between E and H - Turn on the haunches right
(H)E - Medium walk
Promptness, quality of trot, contact and poll.
E - Transition to working trot
EKA - Working trot
Quality of trot, equal bend, size and shape of loops, balance, smooth and fluent transitions to and from medium walk, quality of walk, suppleness, contact and poll.
AC - Serpentine, 3 equal loops, touching the long side of the arena with transitions to and from medium walk (3-5 steps) when crossing the centre line, finishing on the left rein
Regularity, straightness on diagonals, bend, size and shape of volte.
CH - Working trot
HX - On the diagonal
X - Volte right (10m Ø)
XK - On the diagonal
KAF - Working trot
Regularity and quality of trot, elasticity, engagement of hindquarters.
FXH - Medium trot
H - Working trot
Lenghtening and shortening of the steps and frame, maintenance of rhythm, quality of trot.
F and H - Transitions at F and H
HC - Working trot
Regularity and quality of trot. Straightness. Balance.
After C - Turn down on the quarter line
Regularity, quality of trot, flexion at the poll, upright balance, forward sideways tendency, fluency.
From between B and X to F - Leg yield left.
FA - Working trot
Regularity and bend in the turn, straightness, smooth and fluent transition, quality of medium walk.
AD - Down the centre line
Between D and X - Transition to medium walk
Regularity and quality of walk, size and shape of volte, bend and balance, maintenance of activity, contact.
X - Volte right (8m Ø)
Fluent change of direction, size and shape of volte, bend and balance, maintenance of activity, contact.
X - Volte left (8m Ø)
Quality of walk, straightness, balance.
XG - Down the centre line.
Smooth and prompt transition into halt. Immobliity. Straightness. Contact and poll
G - Halt. Immobility. Salute
Collective Marks
1 Paces
1 - 1. General Impression:
2 - • Harmonious presentation of the Athlete/Horse Combination
3 - • Equestrian Feel and Skill of the Athlete – discreet and effective influence of the aids
4 - • Accuracy
Percentage Penalties according to Art. 8421.4 and 8429.3.1

Tutti i valori presentati includono l'IVA all'aliquota legale in vigore.