CNC Vale Sabroso

CNC Vale Sabroso

Sat, 03 Feb 2024 | 08:00 - 22:00

Prova de dressage do CNC 2* Completed

Local: CNC Vale Sabroso
Exame: CCI 2* Test (B)
Data: 2024-02-03
Hora: 11:10


Posição Nome
C José Dores Moreira

Folha de Prova

1 Working Trot
Regularity, rhythm and straightness. Bend and balance in the turn.
A - Enter working trot
C - Track right
2 Medium Trot
The regularity and rhythm; the development of the lengthened strides; the transitions.
MXK - Medium Trot
K - Working Trot
3 Leg-Yielding Trot
Balance in the turn; regularity and quality of the trot; alignment; balance and flow.
A - Down center line
LR - Leg yield right
4 Leg-Yielding Trot
Balance in the turn; regularity and quality of the trot; alignment; balance and flow.
C - Down center line
IP - Leg yield left
5 Serpentine
Accuracy of the movement; stretch over the back into a light contact; maintain balance and quality of trot; clear transitions into and out of the stretch.
AI - Serpentine 2 loops in rising trot allowing the horse to stretch forwards and down.
Before I - Shorten the reins
6 Trot-Canter Transitions
Balance and acceptance of the aids in transitions; quality of trot and canter.
ISH - Working trot
H - Working canter right lead
7 Circle
Transition to medium canter; accuracy and bend on circle; balance and lengthening of strides.
C - Circle right 20 meters medium canter
8 Working Canter
Transition and balance.
C - Working canter
9 Canter Loop
Regularity and quality of canter; shape and size of loop and balance.
MXF - One loop maintaining right lead
10 Change Lead
Willing, clear transitions; regularity and quality of gaits; straightness.
KXM - Change rein
X - Change of lead through the trot
11 Circle
Transition to medium canter; accuracy and bend on circle; balance and lengthening of strides.
C - Circle left 20 meters medium canter
12 Working Canter
Transition and balance.
C - Working canter
13 Canter Loop
Regularity and quality of canter; shape and size of loop and balance.
HXK - One loop maintaining left lead
14 Change Lead
Willing, clear transitions; regularity and quality of gaits; straightness.
FXH - Change rein
X - Trot
15 Halt
The transition to halt, immobility, the balance and engagement of the hind leg.
C - Halt
16 Rein-back
The balance and regularity of the steps; the acceptance of the contact; transition to medium walk.
C - Rein-back 3-4 steps, proceed medium walk
17 Free Walk
Regularity, activity, suppleness over the back, over-track, allowing complete freedom to stretch the neck forward and downward. The stretching may be done on along or loose rein
MV - Free walk
18 Medium Walk
Regularity of the steps, rhythm, outline, acceptance of the contact.
V - Medium walk
19 Working trot
Transition to trot; the regularity, rhythm, bend and balance in the turn; straightness on the center line.
K - Working trot
A - Down center line
20 Halt
Transition to halt; immobility.
X - Halt, salute
Collective Mark
1 Harmony of Athlete and Horse
1 - A confident partnership created by adhering to the scale of training.
Points Two (2) points to be deducted per error. Please see Art 430.6.2
Percentage Errors of course (Art 430.6.1) are penalised - 1st error = 0.5 percentage point - 2nd error = 1 percentage point - 3rd error = Elimination

All amounts presented include VAT at the legal rate.