CDN Cascais

CDN Cascais

Sáb, 25 Jan 2020 00:02 | Dom, 26 Jan 2020 20:02

Prova Fei Childrens Concluido

Altura: Childrens A
Aquecimento: Aquecimento
Local: CDN - Pista 1
Data: 2020-01-25
Hora: 09:00


Posição Nome
C Camilo Borges (N3)
C Armindo Caixinha (N3) N
C Frederico Pinteus (L3)

Folha de Prova

Enter in working trot
Correctness of trot and transition. Precision of centre line and halt. Preparation of halt. Immobility, straightness. Contact and poll.
A - Enter in working trot
X - Halt - immobility - salute
Working trot
Promptness of depart, quality of trot. Straightness. Contact and poll.
X - Proceed in working trot
XC - Working trot
Track to the right
Regularity, balance, energy. Correct execution of the corner.
C - Track to the right
CMR - Working trot
Change rein
Regularity, balance, energy. Straightness. Precisely ridden line.
RXV - Change rein on the short diagonal
Working trot
Regularity, balance, energy. Correct execution of the corner.
VKA - Working trot
Serpentine four loops
Regularity, balance, energy, bend. Fluency of changes of bend and direction. Symmetrical design of serpentine.
AC - Serpentine four loops
Working canter
Fluency and balance of transition. Quality of canter. Straightness.
Between C & M - Proceed in working canter
MRB - Working canter
Circle (15 m Ø)
Quality of canter, balance, self-carriage. Bend. Size and shape of circle.
B - Circle (15 m Ø)
BPFAK - Working canter
On the diagonal
Fluency and balance of transition to working trot. Straightness.
KXM - On the diagonal, at X working trot,
Working canter
Fluency and balance of transition to working canter
MC - Between M and C working canter
Working canter
Quality of canter. Straightness. Correct execution of the corner.
CHSE - Working canter
Circle (15 m Ø)
Quality of canter, balance, self-carriage. Bend. Size and shape of circle.
E - Circle (15 m Ø)
EVKA - Working canter
Working trot
Fluency and balance of transition. Regularity of trot.
A - Working trot
AF - Working trot
Medium walk
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, groundcover, freedom in shoulders. Straightness.
F - Medium walk
FV - Medium walk
Half circle
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, groundcover, freedom in shoulders. Accuracy of the circle line.
VP - Half circle in medium walk (20 m Ø)
Working trot
Fluency and balance of transition. Regularity of trot.
P - Proceed in working trot
PFA - Working trot
Halt – immobility – salute
Quality of trot, straightness and balance into the halt. Contact and poll.
A - Down the centre line
X - Halt – immobility – salute
Leave arena at A in walk on a long rein
Collective mark
Rider’s position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids
Children Quality Marking Sheet
Rider's position and seat.
Seat: well balanced, elastic, in centre of saddle, absorbing movements of horse. Correct position of upper body, arm, elbow, hand, leg, heel.
0 - Rider's position and seat.
Effectiveness of aids.
Influence of the aids on presentation of horse accord. to 'Scale of Training'. Influence of aids on correct presentation of movements/ paces. Sensitive use of aids. Independence of rider's seat
0 - Effectiveness of aids.
Preparation of movements. Accuracy of execution of figures. Execution of movements at markers prescribed. Maintenance of correct tempo.
0 - Precision
General impression
Harmony of presentation. Correctness of paces. Ability to present the horse favourably.
0 - General impression
Penalty Points Two (2) points to be deducted per other error. Please see Art 430.6.2

Todos os valores apresentados incluem iva à taxa legal em vigor.