CDN Cascais

CDN Cascais

Sab, 25 Gen 2020 00:02 | Dom, 26 Gen 2020 20:02

Prova Fei Childrens Prelim A Fatto

Altura: Childrens A
Aquecimento: Aquecimento
Local: CDN - Pista 1
Exame: Preliminary Competition Test A Children
Data: 2020-01-26
Hora: 10:00


Posição Nome
C Armindo Caixinha (N3) N
C Frederico Pinteus (L3)
C Camilo Borges (N3)

Folha de Prova

Enter in working trot
Correctness of trot and transition. Precision of centre line and halt. Preparation of halt. Immobility, straightness. Contact and poll.
A - Enter in working trot
X - Halt - immobility - salute
Working trot
Promptness of depart, quality of trot. Straightness. Contact and poll.
X - Proceed in working trot
XC - Working trot
Track to the right
Regularity, balance, energy. Correct execution of the corner.
C - Track to the right
CMR - Working trot
Change rein
Regularity, balance, energy. Straightness. Precisely ridden line.
RXV - Change rein on the short diagonal
Working trot
Regularity, balance, energy. Correct execution of the corner.
VKA - Working trot
Serpentine four loops
Regularity, balance, energy, bend. Fluency of changes of bend and direction. Symmetrical design of serpentine.
AC - Serpentine four loops
Working canter
Fluency and balance of transition. Quality of canter. Straightness.
Between C & M - Proceed in working canter
MRB - Working canter
Circle (15 m Ø)
Quality of canter, balance, self-carriage. Bend. Size and shape of circle.
B - Circle (15 m Ø)
BPFAK - Working canter
On the diagonal, at X working trot,
Fluency and balance of transition to working trot. Straightness.
KXM - On the diagonal, at X working trot,
Working canter
Fluency and balance of transition to working canter.
MC - Between M and C working canter
Working canter
Quality of canter. Straightness. Correct execution of the corner.
CHSE - Working canter
Circle (15 m Ø)
Quality of canter, balance, self-carriage. Bend. Size and shape of circle.
E - Circle (15 m Ø)
EVKA - Working canter
Working trot
Fluency and balance of transition. Regularity of trot.
A - Working trot
AF - Working trot
Medium walk
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, groundcover, freedom in shoulders. Straightness.
F - Medium walk
FV - Medium walk
Half circle in medium walk (20 m Ø)
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, groundcover, freedom in shoulders. Accuracy of the circle line.
VP - Half circle in medium walk (20 m Ø)
Working trot
Fluency and balance of transition. Regularity of trot.
P - Proceed in working trot
PFA - Working trot
Halt – immobility – salute
Quality of trot, straightness and balance into the halt. Contact and poll.
A - Down the centre line
X - Halt – immobility – salute
Leave arena at A in walk on a long rein
Rider’s position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids
0 - Rider’s position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids
Children Quality Marking Sheet
Rider’s position and seat
. Seat: well balanced, elastic, in centre of saddle, absorbing movements of horse. Correct position of upper body, arm, elbow, hand, leg, heel.
Effectiveness of aids.
Influence of the aids on presentation of horse accord. to 'Scale of Training'. Influence of aids on correct presentation of movements/ paces. Sensitive use of aids. Independence of rider's seat
Preparation of movements. Accuracy of execution of figures. Execution of movements at markers prescribed. Maintenance of correct tempo
General impression
Harmony of presentation. Correctness of paces. Ability to present the horse favourably.
Points Two (2) points to be deducted per error. Please see Art 430.6.2
Percentage Errors of course (Art 430.6.1) are penalised - 1st error = 0.5 percentage point - 2nd error = 1 percentage point - 3rd error = Elimination

Tutti i valori presentati includono l'IVA all'aliquota legale in vigore.