Poule Mista - 9 de Fevereiro

Poule Mista - 9 de Fevereiro

Za, 09 feb 2019 00:00 | Zo, 10 feb 2019 15:35

Prova FEI Childrens Preliminar B Klaar

Local: Ensino
Exame: Preliminary Competition Test B Children
Data: 2019-02-09
Hora: 09:24


Posição Nome
C Ana

Folha de Prova

Quality of trot, halt, and transitions. Straightness. Contact and poll.
A - Enter in collected canter
X - Halt - immobility - salute. Proceed in working trot.
XC - working Trot
Regularity, balance, energy, bend. Fluency of the change of bend and direction. Symmetrical design of ½ voltes.
C - Track to the left
HS - Working trot
SI - Half volte left (10 m Ø)
IR - Half volte right (10 m Ø)
RBP - Working trot
Regularity, balance, energy, bend. Fluency of the change of bend and direction. Symmetrical design of ½ voltes.
PL - Half volte right (10 m Ø)
LV - Half volte left (10 m Ø)
VKAF - Working trot
Lengthened Trot
Regularity, balance, engagement, groundcover. Lengthening of frame. Straightness.
FS - Lengthening of steps
S - Working trot
Trot Transitions
Fluency and balance of transitions.
1 - Transitions at F and S
SH - Working trot
Canter Transitions
Fluency and balance of transition. Quality of canter.
H - Proceed in working canter
HCMBR - Working canter
Quality of canter. Maintenance of balance, self-carriage. Bend. Size and shape of circle.
BEB - Circle (20 m Ø)
2 - Between B & E give and retake the reins for 3 canterstrides
BPF - Working canter
Quality of canter, balance, self-carriage. Bend. Size and shape of ½ volte.
FD - Half volte (10 m Ø) returning to the track at B
Counter Canter
Quality of counter canter. Balance, self-carriage. Straightness.
BM - Counter canter
Fluency and balance of both transitions. Quality of trot and canter.
M - Working trot
C - Proceed in working canter
CH - Working canter
Lenghtened Canter
Quality of canter, lengthening of strides and frame. Balance, uphill tendency, straightness.
HEK - Lengthening of strides
K - Working canter
Canter Transitions
Fluency and balance of both transitions.
1 - Transitions at H and K
KAF - Working canter
Working Canter
Quality of canter. Balance, self-carriage. Straightness.
FLE - Working canter
Counter Canter
Quality of counter canter. Balance, self-carriage. Straightness.
ESH - Counter canter
Trot Transitions
Fluency and balance of transition. Regularity of trot.
H - Working trot
HC - Working trot
Medium Walk
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, groundcover, freedom in shoulders. Straightness.
C - Medium walk
CMR - Medium walk
Medium Walk
Regularity, suppleness of back, activity, groundcover, freedom in shoulders. Straightness.
RV - Medium walk
Trot Transitions
Fluency and balance of transition. Regularity of trot.
V - Proceed in working trot
VKA - Working trot
Quality of trot, straightness and balance into the halt. Contact and poll.
A - Down the centre line
X - Halt – immobility – salute
Collective Marks
1 - Paces (freedom and regularity)
1 - Impulsion (desire to move forward, elasticity of the steps, suppleness of the back and engagement of the hind quarters)
1 - Submission (attention and confidence; harmony, lightness and ease of the movements; straightness; acceptance of the bridle and lightness of the forehand)
Rider’s position and seat
1 - Rider’s position and seat; correctness and effect of the aids
Points Two (2) points to be deducted per error. Please see Art 430.6.2
Percentage Errors of course (Art 430.6.1) are penalised - 1st error = 0.5 percentage point - 2nd error = 1 percentage point - 3rd error = Elimination

Alle gepresenteerde waarden zijn inclusief btw tegen het geldende wettelijke tarief.